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Ever found yourself losing someone in your life, and feel like you’re watching your happiness exit your life with them? I have found myself in this situation so many times. We as humans often find ourselves placing our happiness in the hands of mere mortals. Our happiness is conditioned on how they come through for us or how they perform in our lives.

This is one of the lessons that God has been trying to teach me over the last few months. My happiness should not and is not in the hands of mere mortals. I would find myself in a mellow mood, searching for a human to make me feel better. Previously, I would always find someone to make me feel better, you know, that laugh that will make you forget your problems for a few hours. Today God was like “Ok baby girl, it’s time to seal this lesson.” I found myself in a position where I WANTED to turn to him for happiness before I turned to humans.  Amidst all the emotions that were running through my body, I found my quiet place and turned to him, to comfort me, before I went to or texted any friend.

David in Psalm 16 rejoices in how God is always by His side and how this alone, brings him all the comfort he needs. Verse 9 says, “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices, my body also will rest secure.” A great sense of comfort overpowered me once I reminded myself in whom my identity is found. My identity is found in Christ so therefore my Happiness is found in him! This is not even Happiness anymore, its permanent, it’s Joy!